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Fairy Apothecary
New Faerie Wiki
To learn more about the in's and out's of our society from The Hedge Chronicles, visit our Wiki! Important links are as follows:
Persona Creation: Need guidelines for developing your character? Use this worksheet to get started!
Rules of the Realm: The rules we abide by at all gatherings READ THIS FIRST!!
Barkscrolls: Our story thus far. In chronological order from newest to oldest, read about what has been happening in the Realm of New Faerie.
Dross aka Experience Points: Earning, Spending, Uses
CENSUS: Who lives where? Find your tribe! This is a list of all those who have crossed the Hedge into the Enchanted Lands and where you can find them.
Class & Rank: Definitions of classes, ranks, titles
Heraldic Registry: Official listing of all registered Heraldic Crests
Orders & Guilds: Official listing of all registered Orders and Guilds
Service to the Kingdom: Merits, Achievements
Setting: Where in world are we?
Vault of the Fae: A list of all existing Enchanted Items
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